Infinity is a beautiful, feature-rich app that offers a smooth Reddit browsing experience. It is completely ad-less; you can browse Reddit without interruptions or distractions. Built by a passionate university student, Infinity is open source. Please check out, support or contribute to the project at!
You are required to subscribe inside the app to enjoy Infinity since Reddit now charges for its API service. Thank you for your understanding.
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Highlighted features:
Lazy mode:
Automatic scrolling of posts enables you to enjoy amazing content without moving your thumb.
Multi-account support:
Switch to different accounts instantaneously.
Night theme:
Beautifully designed night theme
Send a Giphy gif with your comment.
Settings->Post History->Limit read posts.
Long press a post to access options.
Download all media in a gallery (album).
Search posts in multireddit.
Redesigned recent searches.
UI updates on subreddit and user pages.
Explanations and UI improvements on the post and comment filter pages.
Optimize swipe gestures to minimize conflict.
Optimize swipe actions.
New option on the post details page: Reset FAB position.
Toggle notifications for comment replies.